Paweł Grad

Photo by Jan Kopczyński

I’m a philosopher based in Warsaw. In the spring semester 2025, I am a Visiting Scholar at the University of Texas at Austin. My philosophical interests focus on epistemology and metaphysics of perception, the philosophy of religion, the concept of tradition, and the history of philosophical debates on these issues. If you would like to see my full CV look here.


Seeing and knowing. How to reconcile naive realism with reliable epistemology of perception?
This research is funded by Polish National Science Centre grant 2021/40/C/HS1/00281. See here for the abstract of the project.
Doxastic indistinctiveness of religious belief.
This project essentially develops ideas from my PhD dissertation. See here for the abstract of the dissertation.



Pieces marked with "*" are published in Polish. Most of them have abstracts in English.Philosophy of perception
(forthcoming). Presentational and Phenomenal Forces of Perception. Episteme.
(2024). Extending the house of reason. On the epistemic profile of perceptual experience. Philosophia.
(2023). The Hard Problem of Access for Epistemological Disjunctivism. Episteme.
(2022). Object and Content of Perceptual Acquaintance.* Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria.
Philosophy of religion
(2019) Kant and a Romantic Project of Modernization of Religious Language.* In: Literatura a religia - w kontekście dyskursu tożsamościowego: religia i naród, pp. 17–56. T. Garbol (ed.), Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin.
(2018). Post-secular Philosophy: Between Theory and Ideology. Perspectives on Culture.
(2017). Roman Rationalism. Theory of Literacy vs. Theory of Secularization.* Przegląd humanistyczny.
(2015). Symbol and Signum. A Contribution to the Critique of the Concept of Religious Symbol.* Stan Rzeczy.
(2014). Tischner and Secularisation.* Studia z Filozofii Polskiej.
(2019). Liberalism and Conflict of Traditions. Roczniki Historii Socjologii.
(2017) On the Concept of Tradition. Critical Study of Culture of Remembrance.* Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warszawa. Summary
(2016). De Maistre, or speculative traditionalism.* Kronos.
(2015). Tradition as a Communication System. Hybris. Revista de Filosofia.
(2014) Tradition-Doctrine-Science. Remarks on the Margins of Tradition by Jerzy Szacki.* In: P. Grad (ed.) Warszawska Szkoła Historii Idei: Tożsamość-tradycja-obecność, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2014.
History of philosophy
(2021). Family Resemblance and the Rule Paradox.* Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria.
(2014) Preface.* In: Warszawska Szkoła Historii Idei: Tożsamość-tradycja-obecność. In: P. Grad (ed.). Warszawska Szkoła Historii Idei: Tożsamość-tradycja-obecność. Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa.
(2014). In the name of Father. A Thomistic critique of Joachimism.* Kronos.
(2013). Modernity on Trial. The Correspondence of Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt.* Kronos.
(2012). Unequivocal Word? The Problem of Postmodern Self in the Works of Czeslaw Milosz* Polisemia.
(2018). Apocalypse – and what next? * [Review of L. M. Nijakowski, Świat po apokalipsie : społeczeństwo w świetle postapokaliptycznych tekstów kultury popularnej, Warszawa 2018]. Stan Rzeczy.
(2017). [Review of Historia filozofii politycznej. Część druga, P. Nowak (ed.), Warszawa 2016]. * Interlocutor.
(2015). Monastic anthropology* [Review of: R. Tichy, Mistyczna historia człowieka według Bernarda z Clairvaux, Poznań 2011]. Hereditas Monasteriorum.
Edited volumes
(2015). Grad, P. (ed.). Warszawska Szkoła Historii Idei: Tożsamość-tradycja-obecność.* Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2014.



My 2017 book offers a philosophical investigation into the concept of tradition. The central idea is that tradition, as it functions in sociological and philosophical discourse on modernity, is a concept designed to compensate for the undesired side effects of modernization. Specifically, tradition serves here primarily as a way to preserve personal and social identity without maintaining the past forms of life. In contrast, moral philosophy and comparative anthropology suggest that tradition in genuinely traditional societies has an entirely different nature; it aims at differentiating and sustaining a desired form of life. The book provides an in-depth exploration of this distinction and its consequences. See here for a summary.

In progress

Currently, I work on the following papers. Email me for drafts.Paper on access internalism and self-understanding (R&R)
Paper on representational and phenomenal properties of perceptual experience (under review)
Paper on vehicle representationalism and Cartesian mind w/ Michał Barcz (in progress)
Paper on epistemic basing of hinge commitments (in progress)
Paper on rationality of religious beliefs (in progress)



Mail: [email protected]
Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions concerning my work.
You can also find me on PhilPeople and X.